Sunday I drove down to Salem to do the Peach Century. Everyone I do stuff with were busy this weekend, so I went bymyself. Last year I rode the 62 mile route in the pouring rain for the first 30 miles. This year it was forecast for 82 degrees and it was a perfect blue sky. I got there 20 minutes before the start line closed and they were out of numbers and the parking lot was jammed. Started out and rode along at a good clip looking at the fields and mountains. The first food stop was at 28 miles, so I fueled up and took off. Got to the point where the 62 and 100 routes separate and saw 2 guys turn for the hundred and decided I feel good, why not go for it so I turned for the 100 also. What a mistake I was thinking about ten miles later. The sun was hot and I was getting tired and instead of almost done, I wasn't even halfway. At 40+ the route went though a covered bridge. The next food stop was at 51 miles near a another covered bridge. They had lots of trail mix with chocolate and pbj and bagels, etc. It was starting to empty out, so I took off. I had averaged 17.3 up till here, but then it was into the wind after the food stop. At mil 64 there was a 6 mile long climb that wasn't steep, just constant. Then a short down and at 71 miles was a store, so I stopped for a Diet Pepsi and water and a candy bar. Most of the riders stopped at the store also, so we filled the front porch area. By now I was pretty tired and no one to push me, so I slowed down and did tourist speeds. I'd been mooing at all the cows, but I saw three goats and baa'ed at them and one of them jumped and started baa'ing back. The last food stop was at 83 miles where the 62 and 100 routes joined back up. Saw a very, very pretty girl checking out my Air Guard jersey, exchanged hi's. My right knee hurt pretty bad and one of the volunteers went through all the kits they had looking for Advil and came up blank. After I'd gone about 1 mile after the food stop, I remembered I had a first aid kit in my bag. Sure enough it had some Tylenol, so shortly after that my knee was better, plus I slowed down to 14-15 most of the time. The rest of the ride was pretty much pedal, pedal, pedal. Really pretty rural scenery, but the legs were the only thing functioning, the brain was off. I would celebrate mileage ticking off 77.77, 82.35, 91.07, 98.45, 99.98, 99.99, 100.00, 100.02, etc. Finally got back to the end at 103.50 where they had peach and marionberry pies with whipped creme. I asked one of the organizers if he had an extra number explaining that I save them and hang them up. He said no, ask one of the riders. Behind me a girl said, do you want mine? It was the very, very pretty girl from the last stop, she unpinned her number from her shirt and gave it to me as she was leaving. As I was driving home stuck in a traffic jam, I realized that I had forgotten to take any pictures, so I took a picture of the number she had given me. Stats- 103.5 miles with a 16.1. I've done many centuries but this was the first time ever doing century by myself- wouldn't recommend it, it's better to have someone to share the pain.