Salmon Creek Run

Before work yesterday I wanted to get a run in somewhere I hadn't been in awhile. Thought about a state park down by Salem, but after folding laundry I didn't have time to drive that far so I went to Vancouver and Salmon Creek Park now called Klienline park (picture)it has a small lake that must have fish because there were a couple of guys fishing. It has a 3 mile paved windy path that goes along Salmon creek in a grassy flood plain valley with nice houses up on the hills surrounding. Ran along at a pretty good clip waving at the walkers, bikers, runners, and skaters. Only about half waved back. Got to a big curve that started uphill towards the nice houses and the GPS said 2.25, so I turned around there. Pretty run and very sunny and got back to the end and ran .1 more to get my yearly average of 4.6 miles. Clocked in at 38:55 for an 8:28 pace- yeah! Had time to get a sandwich to go from Harry's deli and shower at work and was on-time. Swings might work out.
that's a fantastic pace jeff! a good run and a deli sandwhich to top er off couldn't be better!
Neese, at 8:00 AM
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