VO2 Testing Results
Here are the results from my test on Tuesday. Not sure what number to use- Peak on the run was 54, so is that the number? Anyway, his notes are right on target, I can ride centuries, but have a hard time staying with the peloton in a race.
Metabolic Testing Results
Name: Jeff Macey
Date: March 6th
Age: 46 years
Weight: 215 lbs
Test Results:
Test Type: Run (7.0 mph)
Peak VO2: 54.3 ml/kg*min
Anaerobic Threshold (AT):
VO2 AT : 54.3 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 100%
HR AT : 177 bpm
Speed AT : 7.0 mph
Grade AT : 6%
Watts AT :
Aerobic Threshold (AeT):
VO2 AeT : 40.7 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 75%
Heart Rate AeT : 150 bpm
Speed AeT : 7.0 mph
Grade AeT : 0%
Watts AeT :
Test Type: Bike (30 watt step)
Peak VO2: 51.2 ml/kg*min
Anaerobic Threshold (AT):
VO2 AT : 45.0 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 88%
HR AT : 168 bpm
Speed AT :
Grade AT :
Watts AT : 300 watts
Aerobic Threshold (AeT):
VO2 AeT : 30.1 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 59%
Heart Rate AeT : 140 bpm
Speed AeT :
Grade AeT :
Watts AeT : 210 watts
Heart Rate Training Zones:
Threshold Training (z5a/E2): 171-180+ (to increase threshold)
Anaerobic Threshold: 177 bpm
Intensive Aerobic Tempo (z4/E1): 166-177 (to increase muscular endurance
and function of top-end aerobic)
Extensive Aerobic Tempo (z3/A2): 155-166 (endurance development)
Aerobic Threshold (z2/A1): 145-155 (easy intensity endurance)
Recovery (z1/R): <135 (easy recuperative training)
Threshold Training (z5a/E2): 168-178+ (to increase threshold)
Anaerobic Threshold: 168 bpm
Intensive Aerobic Tempo (z4/E1): 156-168 (to increase muscular endurance
and function of top-end aerobic)
Extensive Aerobic Tempo (z3/A2): 145-156 (endurance development)
Aerobic Threshold (z2/A1): 135-145 (easy intensity endurance)
Recovery (z1/R): <130 (easy recuperative training)
A Note on using Heart Rates for monitoring training: Use of heart rate within training to set and control training intensity can be a tremendously valuable tool. However, realize that heart rate values can be affected by a variety of factors (such as fatigue, anxiety, medications, dehydration, caffeine, etc) and heart rate values may change day by day or even within a day. As you begin using these zones, pay attention to the perceived exertion and be open to small adjustments of heart rate due to such factors.
Testing & Result Notes:
Jeff –
Great to see you at the club and have the chance to help test you out! Overall – nice job – looks like you’re in pretty solid shape.
To review your results –
Run – Fantastic aerobic conditioning but as you noted in the test – once you hit threshold you weren’t comfortable going beyond. Incorporating threshold and leg strength work is going to be key to prepare your muscles to handle working at higher intensities.
Bike – Again – great conditioning. I’m guessing that you’re able to ride solidly for time but going to higher intensities is a tough challenge. Again – a bit of leg strength to increase your muscular strength in prep for higher intensity activities.
Also, a touch of z3 (lower end tempo work) should help bring up your pace at aerobic threshold. A pace that you’ll be very comfortable hanging for very long distances.
Make sure to get that HR monitor and let me know if I can answer any further questions. I’d be interested to see what your data looks like after a few rides and runs while using your heart rate monitor.
Understanding VO2 Values:
Women (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <25.0 25.0 - 30.9 31.0 - 34.9 35.0 - 38.9 39.0 - 41.9 >41.9
20-29 <23.6 23.6 - 28.9 29.0 - 32.9 33.0 - 36.9 37.0 - 41.0 >41.0
30-39 <22.8 22.8 - 26.9 27.0 - 31.4 31.5 - 35.6 35.7 - 40.0 >40.0
40-49 <21.0 21.0 - 24.4 24.5 - 28.9 29.0 - 32.8 32.9 - 36.9 >36.9
50-59 <20.2 20.2 - 22.7 22.8 - 26.9 27.0 - 31.4 31.5 - 35.7 >35.7
60+ <17.5 17.5 - 20.1 20.2 - 24.4 24.5 - 30.2 30.3 - 31.4 >31.4
Men (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <35.0 35.0 - 38.3 38.4 - 45.1 45.2 - 50.9 51.0 - 55.9 >55.9
20-29 <33.0 33.0 - 36.4 36.5 - 42.4 42.5 - 46.4 46.5 - 52.4 >52.4
30-39 <31.5 31.5 - 35.4 35.5 - 40.9 41.0 - 44.9 45.0 - 49.4 >49.4
40-49 <30.2 30.2 - 33.5 33.6 - 38.9 39.0 - 43.7 43.8 - 48.0 >48.0
50-59 <26.1 26.1 - 30.9 31.0 - 35.7 35.8 - 40.9 41.0 - 45.3 >45.3
60+ <20.5 20.5 - 26.0 26.1 - 32.2 32.3 - 36.4 36.5 - 44.2 >44.2
Sample Values from Elite Athletes
Highest Recorded Female (Cross-Country Skier): 74
Highest Recorded Male (Cross-Country Skier): 94
Steve Prefontaine, US runner, 84.4
Frank Shorter, US Olympic Marathon winner, 71.3
Ingrid Kristiansen, ex-Marathon World Record Holder, 71.2
Derek Clayton, Australian ex-Marathon World Record holder, 69.7
Rosa Mota, Marathon runner, 67.2
Jeff Galloway, US Runner, 73.0
Greg LeMond, professional cyclist, 92.5
Matt Carpenter, Pikes Peak marathon course record holder, 92
Miguel Indurain, professional cyclist, 88
Lance Armstrong, 85
Does your VO2 really matter?
Not as much as we might give it credit. Make no mistake – VO2 testing measures the body’s ability to efficiently utilize oxygen and can give a glimpse into one aspect (genetic) of athletic potential. However, what we find is that athletes gifted with such high values often are missing in other critical factors of athletic performance. Those include factors that go into efficiency (strength, flexibility, and fundamental mechanics and skills at high speeds) as well as the psychological and physiological abilities of a strong work ethic (focus, discipline, consistency) and the ability of the mind and body to absorb higher training loads that their competitors.
As you can see from the values of some of the world champion athletes and former Olympians even athletes with lower VO2 values can out race their competitors. Economy at speeds has far greater impact on the results within a competition. Athletes who show great efficiency and economy of movement are able to complete the same workload without using as great of a percentage of their VO2, thus saving energy and having the ability to tap that ‘fifth gear’ in a race and surge past their competitors.
Ask Dr. Testa, a pioneer in VO2max testing and research, on testing and application and he will say – “Genes determine who makes it into the peloton (the "pack" in professional bike racing), but not who wins the race."
Happy Training!
Coach Mark Kendall
SpeedSHOT Racing & Coaching Services
Metabolic Testing Results
Name: Jeff Macey
Date: March 6th
Age: 46 years
Weight: 215 lbs
Test Results:
Test Type: Run (7.0 mph)
Peak VO2: 54.3 ml/kg*min
Anaerobic Threshold (AT):
VO2 AT : 54.3 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 100%
HR AT : 177 bpm
Speed AT : 7.0 mph
Grade AT : 6%
Watts AT :
Aerobic Threshold (AeT):
VO2 AeT : 40.7 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 75%
Heart Rate AeT : 150 bpm
Speed AeT : 7.0 mph
Grade AeT : 0%
Watts AeT :
Test Type: Bike (30 watt step)
Peak VO2: 51.2 ml/kg*min
Anaerobic Threshold (AT):
VO2 AT : 45.0 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 88%
HR AT : 168 bpm
Speed AT :
Grade AT :
Watts AT : 300 watts
Aerobic Threshold (AeT):
VO2 AeT : 30.1 ml/kg*min
VO2 (% of Peak) 59%
Heart Rate AeT : 140 bpm
Speed AeT :
Grade AeT :
Watts AeT : 210 watts
Heart Rate Training Zones:
Threshold Training (z5a/E2): 171-180+ (to increase threshold)
Anaerobic Threshold: 177 bpm
Intensive Aerobic Tempo (z4/E1): 166-177 (to increase muscular endurance
and function of top-end aerobic)
Extensive Aerobic Tempo (z3/A2): 155-166 (endurance development)
Aerobic Threshold (z2/A1): 145-155 (easy intensity endurance)
Recovery (z1/R): <135 (easy recuperative training)
Threshold Training (z5a/E2): 168-178+ (to increase threshold)
Anaerobic Threshold: 168 bpm
Intensive Aerobic Tempo (z4/E1): 156-168 (to increase muscular endurance
and function of top-end aerobic)
Extensive Aerobic Tempo (z3/A2): 145-156 (endurance development)
Aerobic Threshold (z2/A1): 135-145 (easy intensity endurance)
Recovery (z1/R): <130 (easy recuperative training)
A Note on using Heart Rates for monitoring training: Use of heart rate within training to set and control training intensity can be a tremendously valuable tool. However, realize that heart rate values can be affected by a variety of factors (such as fatigue, anxiety, medications, dehydration, caffeine, etc) and heart rate values may change day by day or even within a day. As you begin using these zones, pay attention to the perceived exertion and be open to small adjustments of heart rate due to such factors.
Testing & Result Notes:
Jeff –
Great to see you at the club and have the chance to help test you out! Overall – nice job – looks like you’re in pretty solid shape.
To review your results –
Run – Fantastic aerobic conditioning but as you noted in the test – once you hit threshold you weren’t comfortable going beyond. Incorporating threshold and leg strength work is going to be key to prepare your muscles to handle working at higher intensities.
Bike – Again – great conditioning. I’m guessing that you’re able to ride solidly for time but going to higher intensities is a tough challenge. Again – a bit of leg strength to increase your muscular strength in prep for higher intensity activities.
Also, a touch of z3 (lower end tempo work) should help bring up your pace at aerobic threshold. A pace that you’ll be very comfortable hanging for very long distances.
Make sure to get that HR monitor and let me know if I can answer any further questions. I’d be interested to see what your data looks like after a few rides and runs while using your heart rate monitor.
Understanding VO2 Values:
Women (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <25.0 25.0 - 30.9 31.0 - 34.9 35.0 - 38.9 39.0 - 41.9 >41.9
20-29 <23.6 23.6 - 28.9 29.0 - 32.9 33.0 - 36.9 37.0 - 41.0 >41.0
30-39 <22.8 22.8 - 26.9 27.0 - 31.4 31.5 - 35.6 35.7 - 40.0 >40.0
40-49 <21.0 21.0 - 24.4 24.5 - 28.9 29.0 - 32.8 32.9 - 36.9 >36.9
50-59 <20.2 20.2 - 22.7 22.8 - 26.9 27.0 - 31.4 31.5 - 35.7 >35.7
60+ <17.5 17.5 - 20.1 20.2 - 24.4 24.5 - 30.2 30.3 - 31.4 >31.4
Men (values in ml/kg/min)
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 <35.0 35.0 - 38.3 38.4 - 45.1 45.2 - 50.9 51.0 - 55.9 >55.9
20-29 <33.0 33.0 - 36.4 36.5 - 42.4 42.5 - 46.4 46.5 - 52.4 >52.4
30-39 <31.5 31.5 - 35.4 35.5 - 40.9 41.0 - 44.9 45.0 - 49.4 >49.4
40-49 <30.2 30.2 - 33.5 33.6 - 38.9 39.0 - 43.7 43.8 - 48.0 >48.0
50-59 <26.1 26.1 - 30.9 31.0 - 35.7 35.8 - 40.9 41.0 - 45.3 >45.3
60+ <20.5 20.5 - 26.0 26.1 - 32.2 32.3 - 36.4 36.5 - 44.2 >44.2
Sample Values from Elite Athletes
Highest Recorded Female (Cross-Country Skier): 74
Highest Recorded Male (Cross-Country Skier): 94
Steve Prefontaine, US runner, 84.4
Frank Shorter, US Olympic Marathon winner, 71.3
Ingrid Kristiansen, ex-Marathon World Record Holder, 71.2
Derek Clayton, Australian ex-Marathon World Record holder, 69.7
Rosa Mota, Marathon runner, 67.2
Jeff Galloway, US Runner, 73.0
Greg LeMond, professional cyclist, 92.5
Matt Carpenter, Pikes Peak marathon course record holder, 92
Miguel Indurain, professional cyclist, 88
Lance Armstrong, 85
Does your VO2 really matter?
Not as much as we might give it credit. Make no mistake – VO2 testing measures the body’s ability to efficiently utilize oxygen and can give a glimpse into one aspect (genetic) of athletic potential. However, what we find is that athletes gifted with such high values often are missing in other critical factors of athletic performance. Those include factors that go into efficiency (strength, flexibility, and fundamental mechanics and skills at high speeds) as well as the psychological and physiological abilities of a strong work ethic (focus, discipline, consistency) and the ability of the mind and body to absorb higher training loads that their competitors.
As you can see from the values of some of the world champion athletes and former Olympians even athletes with lower VO2 values can out race their competitors. Economy at speeds has far greater impact on the results within a competition. Athletes who show great efficiency and economy of movement are able to complete the same workload without using as great of a percentage of their VO2, thus saving energy and having the ability to tap that ‘fifth gear’ in a race and surge past their competitors.
Ask Dr. Testa, a pioneer in VO2max testing and research, on testing and application and he will say – “Genes determine who makes it into the peloton (the "pack" in professional bike racing), but not who wins the race."
Happy Training!
Coach Mark Kendall
SpeedSHOT Racing & Coaching Services
That's all good stuff, Jeff. I need to get my testing done someday. I have to do some searching around town here to see whose available.
Wes, at 11:41 AM
Interesting! A well controlled heart rate - gee mine can go over 200.
Keep up the good work.
kara, at 5:03 PM
Wow, that's a lot of information to take in! Very intersting though!
teacherwoman, at 6:23 PM
That's a lot of info to digest and awesome you have it! Makes it easier to attack and reach your goals.
Deb, at 7:28 PM
Jeff- SOLID work during that test and it looks like you definitely have an engine with that V02 in the 50's!
I'm with you though on the testing..after giving the wave to stop, I always feel like I could have gone a bit longer...of course it's only after I stop though. Not so much when I'm gasping for breath! ;-)
Mike, at 12:19 AM
Now you have some numbers to consider. Have fun figuring it all out. Although, I wish to take the test.
Papa Louie, at 1:01 PM
Wow! Tons of great info to integrate into your training. Like Wes, I'd love to have this done as well. I'll have to do little hunting. :)
Ms Eva, at 6:53 AM
i'm so lost :| but glad to see you have overall good notes..
Neese, at 7:36 AM
Jeff, excellent comments and thanks for the table of VO2 values. I am with you, Dr. Testa and Coach M. Kendall. Genetics certainly helps, but never comparable with what discipline, focus, training, and HARD WORK provide.
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