Hill Running
Wednesday I decided to try and go back to track workout even though I'm still having Plantar issues. Got to the club and Ceselie and Bridget were ready to go do hill repeats. I'm a flat land runner so I need hill practice. Unfortunately or fortunately, it was 37 out and snowing huge flakes that didn't stick except higher up, so the hill they usually do that is very steep was slippery, so we started out for the hill in the top picture which is a road that goes the back way into Camas Meadows golf course. The snow stopped shortly after we started and turned to slight rain and then stopped. The hill is .3 miles long and the first time seemed really good. Ceselie went up smoothly while Bridget and I ran together breathing hard. I thought "no problem", then a slow jog back down and do it again, the second time it started to get hard. The third time reminded me of some of the summer olympic tris I did last year where I died on the hills in the run. The fourth time my foot started to really hurt, so I waited at the top while the girls did a fifth time. Then a nice social pace run back to the club for a total distance of 5.8 miles and I didn't keep a total time. I wanted to time the hill repeats, but was breathing too hard to remember to stop the watch. When we got back to the club we immediately changed and hit the pool and did 2 X 1000's with each of us doing 100 meter pulls and a 45 second rest between 1000's. With the three of us, it flew by and we were done in no time. We even remarked to each other how easy that seemed. Later my foot (left) hurt a little, but my right calf tightened and hasn't let go yet.
Yesterday during spin class, coach Denise told everyone to give me a hand because I beat her in the Jack Frost time trial (I beat her by 1 second). Then we had a very hard class- afterwards 3 girls told me to let her win next time- I think they joking? It was a good class, need to be at that level now that it's March.
Have to work this weekend (forecast says 61 and sunny) and next weekend, so I'll miss 2 swim-spin Saturdays in a row. Plus different shifts during the week next week, oh well, it's only one week.
Official results came out for the Jack Frost time trial (last post) and they had me at 37:10 which matched my watch.
plantar warts? ask your dr for condylox gel to put on them, it will kill your warts off for good in about 2-3 months. all of them. totally. oddly enough, it's a genital wart medicine, but it will make all your plantar warts disappear for good.
Anonymous, at 11:50 PM
I was thinking the other day about doing hill work - if i were up to it (not sure i am health wise) i would do them this weekend. There is a 5k course that is used a lot in races and this certain hill gets me every time. That is weird that 3 girls said to let Denise win next time, sounds like a threat lol be careful ;)
Neese, at 5:20 AM
Ahhh. That hill looks mysteriously like Mount Doom! LOL. Nice runs, and even awesome more swims! I can only imagine doing 1x1000 at this point. Still working on getting 1x400 down. The good thing about training on hills is that when you run a race without them, you breeze.
Wes, at 9:05 AM
Nice job on the hill work. I would definitely benefit from doing hill workouts as well, it's just that there really ins't much for hills in this town, unless you cound 5-10 foot snowpiles from the storm?!
teacherwoman, at 1:53 PM
I'm impressed! Hill work despite your plantar fasciitis. Good work. I'm so glad the weather is warming up - aren't you?
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM
I hop eyou find some relief from your apin soon. Andnever.....never let the other guy (gal) win! Tkae caer of yourself, would ya?!
Deb, at 8:03 AM
Wow, I don't know how you continue to train in that weather. Good going.
Bullet, at 6:30 AM
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