LaCamas Lake Ride
Saturday after swim-spin Ceselie said she wanted to ride outside on Tuesday. Tuesday it was clear, but very windy, so we did spin-swim instead. Last night I did what Deb (Green Pea) suggested and just did 1/2 hour of Ceselie's ab-leg class, the part that wouldn't hurt my foot and she said let's try again Thursday. So this morning it was 36 outside by my Jeep, but clear and not windy. Three other girls beside Ceselie were going to go, but wimped, so it was just the 2 of us. We left the club and took off, she is a very strong rider. Ceselie knew the area, so she led and I tried to keep up. Around the back side of Lacamas lake on Lake Road it is a long gradual hill that wore me down. I'm spinning 3 times a week and swimming 3 times a week as a brick with weights on the inbetween days- should be in shape. The hills were hard, plus the cold air made me gasp and I didn't bring my inhaler that I got in December for running. Anyway, it was a beautiful ride even in the cold and other than the hills, very fast. Ceselie was having derailer problems so we didn't go up the huge hill on Lake Road, but turned and did a modified loop over some of the roads we did earlier. Overall it was 18.1 miles at a 16.6 average. Didn't swim afterwards, so no brick today. The top picture is of me looking out over the lake.
Injury update- my plantar gets better by tiny increments everyday, still hurts walking any distance over a mile, so I may wait to run until after that stops. In answer to Papa Louie's comment if it is better in barefeet- it's actually worse with barefeet. Which leads me to think it isn't the shoes, could be though. The literature Kaiser gave me says any change in exercise pattern or shoes. Ceselie said I improved way too fast during track workouts and she thinks that did it. I think a combo of things, adding track and my calf seized up four days before the last run, so maybe it was still tight when I ran and caused it to go when I forgot to stretch? Whatever it's done and I have to fix it with time, stretching, ice, etc.
nice photo , glad your plantar is getting better even if just in increments...
Neese, at 1:36 PM
Great pic Jeff! I think it's better to keep that foot is a good supportive shoe and give it a break. Hope you're 100% soon! Good workouts even with the injury!
Deb, at 6:01 PM
Sounds like a good ride! (Although, a little cold!) One thing I've discovered about my p.f. is that my outer ankle was extremely weak. When balancing on that foot my inner foot was compensating for my lack of strength and trying to keep me balanced. I know it's different for everyone, but I just thought I'd throw that out there - just in case. Good luck with rehabing the foot! I'm right there with you!
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM
Lacamas Lake! Sweet, I miss that area. I used to work in Vancouver, there's some great riding out there.
Here and there, at 3:26 PM
I'm jealous. Beautiful country and nice ride in February. Sorry to hear about the pain in your foot. Heal well.
Papa Louie, at 7:11 PM
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