Portland X-Country Ski
Here in Portland we only get snow in town once or twice a year at the most. This morning what was forecast as a dusting turned into a lot of snow. Somewhere around 2-3 inches which for most places would be nothing, but we don't use salt here (very glad they don't- hate that stuff) so the roads are all snarled. My work canceled swing shift so I don't have to go out in it. So I took my dog Spencer for a walk and saw someone cross-country skiing and thought I'd try it. I had a shoulder injury last year, so it's been 2 years since I've skied. Took awhile to clip in because it'd been so long and I skied out my driveway and up the street until Spenser who was tied up started barking like crazy because he couldn't see me anymore. Turned around and went back. Stats: .1 mile 0 elevation gain.
Unfortunately this hurts the workout schedule but it should only be one day.
Yikes!!! Hoping it doesn't warm up then freeze again. Stay safe on those roads.
Deb, at 6:46 PM
Someday I'm just going to have to try that x-country skiing thing.
What a crazy winter we've been having here in Chicago--no snow accumulation so far at all. (Lord--please take note that I am most certainly NOT complaining!!)
I think Spencer wants his own skis!
Lora, at 7:51 PM
When's it going to warm up?
kara, at 5:57 PM
We are finally getting some snow for this weekend and I'm looking forward to getting my x-country skiiing in.
You're going to have to sneak out so that Spencer doesn't get mad at you. How dare you leave him and not include him in the fun. LOL.
Papa Louie, at 7:03 AM
Your area sounds similiar to ours, we hardly ever get snow fall, max, twice a winter, and typically it doesn't stick, but every now and then we get a 2-3" fall like that... we also do not have salt trucks..we do get ice storms though, which usually means at least one major power outage a winter (never fun), that's one heck of a cross country ski work out there Jeff, are you sore? LOL
Neese, at 7:35 AM
Great picture! The snow was great, wasn't it? Nice that you got some time off, too!
You mentioned on my blog that you've had plantar fasciitis. What are you doing for it? I'm paying for running too soon this week. :( Hope you're improving.
Anonymous, at 10:47 AM
Wow. I kind of miss snow. Kind of.
Rachel, at 4:12 PM
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