First Ever DNS
This is my 100th post! Anyway, this may be a first ever- I injured myself blogging. Last Sunday when I did the Waffle run I forgot to stretch afterwards and when I got home the first thing I did was the last blog post (Waffle Run). When I stood up from the computer my left foot hurt. Over the next few days it kept getting worse, so I didn't do track on Wednesday and at work this week every step was torture. My only thought was Plantar Flatia or something like that, but it felt more like an irritation. Finally yesterday I took Advil and iced it twice for a half-hour at a time and it was a little better this morning when I went to swim-spin. During spin I didn't stand when everyone else did. I envisioned all my training lost and down for at least 2 months which is what happened last January when I got a heel spur on my right foot and couldn't run for a month and a half. Well I was moaning to Julie about my foot at coffee after swim-spin and she said her husband just graduated from Chiropractor school 2 weeks ago. She called him and said I'm bringing a guy over. So off to Julie's house and her husband Jeff looked at my foot and then leg and back and neck and said "you have a bone out of place on your foot, your glute on the right is tight and your sciatic is tender, you have a rib out of place and your back is compensating in about three places." First he fixed the foot, my big toe medial carpal (? doing this from memory) had fallen and the point of it was digging into my plantar flatia. Then he adjusted both legs and put the rib back in place and adjusted my back and neck and then really worked the hamstrings and sciatic of both legs. Feel so much better! Still a little twinging in the foot, so I may not run for another week or so until I'm sure it's ok.
The DNS comes from the First Run which is a midnight New Year's eve 5K that I'd signed up for, but I'm not going to do it. My first ever did not start, hopefully my last.
Happy New Year everyone!
The DNS comes from the First Run which is a midnight New Year's eve 5K that I'd signed up for, but I'm not going to do it. My first ever did not start, hopefully my last.
Happy New Year everyone!
AS long as YOU'RE o.k....that's all that matters. Rest and recover, so you can get back to it! Happy New Year Jeff!
Deb, at 6:41 PM
That's crazy. Sounds painful. You seem to be a determined person, so no doubt you'll be back at it soon.
Bullet, at 10:06 AM
I confess i laughed a little when you said you injured yourself blogging!! I'm glad it turned out to be OK, good idea to give it a week just in case. and Happy New Year buddy!! :o)
Neese, at 7:36 AM
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