Kelso Run

Needed to do a run today somewhere where I'd never run before and would take at least an hour to drive to. So I picked Longview Washington because I'd often seen a really pretty park in the middle of town along a river there that looked like it would be a nice run. First though, Denise (coach) invited me to a special before the club opened swim she was doing before she went on vacation for a week. Got to the club and Denise, Kevin, Julie, and myself did a swim paceline for about 1800 meters trading off and trying to beat the clock in 150 meter intervals. Then to coffee at Panera. Then I took off for Longview up I-5. It's about an hour's drive, but as I was crossing the bridge from Kelso to Longview I saw a paved bike path along the river on the Kelso side. So I turned around and followed it and it turned out to be 2.3 miles long and a nice looking path. Parked in downtown Kelso and really hoped my Jeep would be ok by itself.

Crossed a couple of railroad tracks- no ped bridge or walkway to the path. Started running and it was 44 at the Jeep, but along the river it was windy and a little colder. Turned around at one end and the wind was at my back, yeah. Not going too fast because I did a swim-spin brick yesterday and swam this morning. Passed some kids who turned off the path as I approached and went up a small wooded hill. I looked back and at the top of the hill was a tarp setup- homeless kids? Kelso is a small town, I guess everywhere has those problems. Heading back, I needed to go but the trees were leafless and there was nowhere out of sight, so I pushed on. Did a little extra at the end to make an even 5 miles in 43:44 an 8:45 pace. Got in the Jeep and went to find a bathroom, said a little "please lord let me find one soon" prayer and the next corner came to a Bible church with a port-a-pottie in it's lot! Went back to the path and took pictures. On the way out of town saw a Sunrise Bagel shop and ate there.

During spin yesterday after the swim, a guy fell off his trainer towards the end of class. I looked over and Tom, a cardiologist on the tri team was starting to do cpr. Cecilia was riding beside me and she ran out to call 911. Another guy who sells defibulators was there and he helped Tom do cpr until the emt's arrived and they took the guy out still doing cpr. Needless to say everyone was a little freaked out, I didn't know the guy, Jim, but people said he'd been at the club since 1999. Heard later that he didn't make it. As Deb says- "live passionately" you never know!
Oh, my gosh! So sorry to hear about the guy in your spin class. How awful. Makes you put everything in perspective.
Jodi, at 6:38 PM
That's terrible. You never know. Also about those kids, just think, they have been sleeping out in that weather. I'm thankful tonight for my warm home and health.
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM
So sad to hear about that guy passing away. Oh, and did you remember to thank the Lord for providing a port-o-pottie?
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
First you get blessed with a pottie AND a bagel shop and then tragedy strikes right next to you. What a wild day--I'm sure you counted your many blessings that night.
Lora, at 11:27 AM
Gosh....the homeless kids break my heart. Cold and wet is no way for anyone to rest their head. I have family in Longview. Years ago they had a farm on the Columbia River. Beautiful country. Be safe on those runs and know your surroundings (the best you can!)
Deb, at 9:00 PM
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Anonymous, at 4:47 AM
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