Spinning-Run Brick

Did a spinning class with coach Denise this morning for an hour. Tough, she had us do two intervals of one leg riding. I must not have a smooth stroke because it was hard and hurt. Then at work tonight I ran three laps around the base (picture is from October) with a flashlight. Usually, I run around base on Wednesdays after swim class, but it was windy and rainy last night, so I wimped out. Tonight was clear and 51 degrees. The legs told me on the second lap "hey let's stop this and go have dinner". I told them to speed up on the third lap and they listened somewhat, my third lap was faster than my second. Did 4.84 miles in 42:40 for an 8:49 pace. With the legs talking to me it's obvious I need more bike-run bricks next year.
In swim class, we've been doing intervals and when I remember to keep my head down and body straight I am much faster than before. We also did a little wall turning practice. I'd tried it on my own before and couldn't do it. Being shown how, I was able to do it and had a really strong push off. Something to maybe add for the pool triathlons.
My coach has started adding one-leg drills to my trainer workouts. They're so hard! My pedal stroke is terribly uneven.
Jodi, at 5:33 AM
I like the one leg drills because you focus on one leg at a time to help make it stronger.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
Nice pic! As a new cycling person, I have noticed the legs are a bit heavy on days after I ride. I'm going to keep at it though. Need to tri!
Wes, at 11:28 AM
sounds like your swimming is going well, that's on my master to-do list..
Anonymous, at 8:29 AM
Spinning sounds brutal, wtg on the workout.
(((off to google whey and flax smoothies, thanks for the suggestion!)))
Mmem, at 3:53 AM
Brick runs are great. I can't believe you go out there with a flashlight! Pretty hard-core.
I hate 1-legged drills. I usually do 1 min intervals with 1 min rest alternating each leg for 3 reps. My left is worse than my right.
Rachel, at 12:08 PM
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