Elvis Infomercial
Tuesday night I was part of an Elvis collection infomercial. We filmed at the Kiggins theatre in Vancouver, they blocked off a whole block and had a searchlight going in front of the theatre. There were 11 of us paid extras and one host and a bunch of people who showed up for a free screening of Elvis clips. Us "pros" were used in front of the crowd by the camera. Of the 11 extras, 6 were Beautiful with a capital B women. The first scene we filmed, the extras were going across the street and into the ticket line. The girl I was teamed with for those scenes(married 3 kids- but very pretty, I was actually the only single person of the 11) it was her first film job and she was excited. We walked across the street arm in arm and she was shaking from excitement the first three takes and then she calmed down. Then while the crowd watched the free screening, us extras did some small walking through the lobby shots. All night long the director wanted high energy and having a good time- we didn't have to act. It was a great bunch of extras and the girls were a blast and if you see an Elvis collection infomercial someday with people having a good time in the background- we were having a good time! The pitch man or host was Tom and he said he did the Travel Channel show, extreme vacation homes. He said we were much better than LA extras. After the crowd came out they interviewed some people and us extras walked and mingled right behind them in the camera angle. We had a blast then, the director said just have fun and we could talk we didn't have to pantomime. So we got pretty raucous at times. Then after the crowd left we were the crowd behind Tom in close-up shots. Craft services had a table set up with fruit and veggies and candy and cookies and Chai Tea Latte mix and more. Midnight we were done.
Ran 5 miles around base yesterday in an 8:31 pace. Total Immersion class is hard- I panic breathing on the other side from what I've always done. We do drills of three to five strokes and breath, I've always swam at 2 and breath. When we do 2 and breath drills I'm fine. Starting to get more of a swimming feel to it and less of drilling and I can feel more power in my stroke already.
Ran 5 miles around base yesterday in an 8:31 pace. Total Immersion class is hard- I panic breathing on the other side from what I've always done. We do drills of three to five strokes and breath, I've always swam at 2 and breath. When we do 2 and breath drills I'm fine. Starting to get more of a swimming feel to it and less of drilling and I can feel more power in my stroke already.
HOW FUN!!!!!!!! I am jealous!!!
Pixie, at 1:33 PM
sounds like a fun time! good job on the run, i admire your immersion swim lessons wtg!
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM
Very cool! Hats off on the swimmimg...when I get the itch to seriuosly work on it, I sit down and think about it some more until the feeling passes.No dedication there..;)
Deb, at 6:23 PM
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