Run Like Hell 5K

Went downtown and ran the Run Like Hell 5K. Met up with Frank and his son and Kriss at the tent which was a couple of blocks from the start. Checked my jacket and camera and got in the back of the starting group. There were all sorts of costumes, 3 girls had on a white material shaped like a cup with a Starbucks logo and one girl had on a Starbucks apron as the server. There was a guy in a gorilla suit, we remarked to each other that that would be hard to run in. There was also a guy in a ketchup bottle outfit. Anyway, it started misting right before the start and then stopped shortly into the run. The first mile we stayed at Ian's (Frank's son) pace and couldn't have gone much faster. People who were walking got in the front of the pack and there were almost 600 runners, so it was crowded. We hit mile one at 8:55 and it opened up a little so Kriss took off. I stayed with her for the next mile and was breathing really hard- maybe I have exercise induced asthma. Kriss told me later I sounded like a freight train. At mile 2 I fell back from her, I wish I could have kept up with her she finished in an 8:05 pace which would have been a personal best for me. She said later that she had meant to run with the group and then the competitive spirit took over- I know exactly what she means. I realized after mile 2 that I'd forgotten to take my power bar gel- I never run without taking one first. Made it across the finish at 26:25 for an 8:30 pace. Which means the mile with Kriss I must have been under 8 which may also explain the breathing. Results just got posted and I finished 135 out of 565 and 10 of 21 for my age group. Kriss finished 2nd in her age group and Frank and Ian finished at 30:10. After Frank and Ian came in we headed to the tent and I got my camera, but didn't feel like going back to the finish line for a picture, so I took one of our table. Then we headed up to Starbucks for a Chai Tea Latte (my new addiction).
Champoeg Bike Ride
Saturday was a perfect day weather-wise so I headed out to Champoeg State Park and did a solo bike ride. There was very little wind so I was able to cruise at 20 most of the time. It was just a beautiful day to be out riding- 57-61 degrees and blue sky. Stats: 24.2 miles at an 18.6 average.

Nice to run with friends and then top it off with a Starbucks outing.
Papa Louie, at 4:54 PM
Sounds like fun! Every hear/see the running Elvis guys? The wigs and suits look wicked hot. haha!
Deb, at 6:08 PM
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