Walk before Run
My foot or Plantar problem seems to be getting better. I stress it and it hurts, but then it feels ok later fairly quickly. Not gone, but ok. So I thought about running when Ceselie, Denise, Nicole, Anita, Bridgette, Stephanie, etc all went running after swim-spin on Saturday, but I went and did the ski machine for 10 minutes instead. At coffee they said they ran 1.5 to 2 miles and that's how far they were going to run next week too, just to get the legs used to running after the bike. So maybe next week I'll go with them and try a short run. To test whether that would work, I decided to walk 2 miles, so I took Spenser, my dog, and went to the Springwater trail and did 2.6 miles. It hurt while doing it, but as soon as I got in the Jeep my foot stopped hurting and back to just the small dull pain that's been normal. Not a good experiment because it did hurt while walking and running is probably harder on it. Have to do more walks next week and see.
During the walk a young couple came by on roller skates with a small beagle on a leash who looked like he was having a blast. Naturally the beagle stopped to sniff Spenser and the guy said his name and gave a tug on the leash at the same time the beagle turned to bound after them. A great picture if I'd had my camera ready, the beagle flew about three feet and came down running- still as happy as can be. The last week it has been clear blue skies and 43-53 for a couple hours at mid-day, but a cold wind most of the time and 30's at night.
Oh yeah- signed up for the Lake Stevens half ironman on July 8th! $175 plus mandatory insurance and a sign-up fee made it $200. Never heard of mandatory insurance before. My OBRA (Oregon Bike Racing Assoc.) number came in the mail and they had a big letter about liability and having your own insurance- I think someone around here sued a race organizer and won?
aw that's a great photo! yes the beagle too would of been great you know I love beagles, was his name Jeff? lol
Hope your foot continues to do OK
Neese, at 6:02 PM
Sorry about the foot. Bummer that just a walk made it hurt. 6 months to a year to heal? That's a ridiculous amount of time. I refuse to accept that! :)
I've biked Springwater and ran on a part of it during Hood to Coast - great trail! I wish we had something even a fraction of that distance here.
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM
1/2 Iron in July! That's great and scary at the same time. I'm doing my first in June. It freaks me out at times. Good luck with the foot.
Bullet, at 6:14 AM
Sounds like it's warmed up a little for you up there. Take it easy on that foot Jeff...you don't want damage that's going to be tougher to correct!
Deb, at 7:50 PM
Does it hurt when you walk barefoot? I never had plantar's and don't know what causes it but I wonder if it's shoe related. I always question the shoe when foot problems happen.
Papa Louie, at 8:11 AM
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