Club Ride and Springwater Run
First I have to apologize to Matt for not giving him credit as the one who tagged me in the last post.
Today's forecast was sunny and 60, so at swim-spin we decided to ride outside instead of spin. Unfortunately the sunny part hadn't materialized by the end of swimming. But 12 of us did it anyway. It was 46 and foggy when we started, but fun to be in a group that big. Ended up at the front of the group with my training partner Ceselie in front of me. Three weeks ago I had trouble keeping up with her and today I wanted to stay with her even on the hills and I did for 90% of the ride. At one point of the ride she went back to ride with her husband, so I thought, so I ended up in the lead position. Denise (coach) had me slow down to get the group together and then she said- go- so I pushed it up to 18 on a slight uphill and did a quick look back and saw someone behind me and thought the group was there. Pushed it up a little hill at 14-15 and at the top found it was only Ceselie and myself with the group about 30 seconds back. I think I'm getting better on the bike with all the spinning and leg workouts. About 2 or 3 miles from the end I tired out but finished out the ride at 23.8 miles and a 16 average. I had a black streak up my back that was worse than Tuesday according to some people (Neese: the wet road grime shooting off my back tire causes the streak), several people had black spots all over their faces. We were supposed to run afterwards for 2 miles, but I stopped to talk to Stephanie who works out at the base while she was on a stationary bike and ended up talking so long I missed the group run. By the time we went to coffee, the fog had lifted and the pavement had dried and it was beautiful and 64 out.
When I got home I couldn't stay inside and waste the nice day, so I decided to go run. Went to Gresham city park (same as my last run) and went the other direction on the Springwater from my last run (top picture). The foot hurt pretty bad at first, but then settled down when I slowed a little and I went ahead and went out 1.55 according to the Garmin and back for a 5K. Did 3.1 miles in 28:07 at a 9:04 pace and the foot is only a little tender now, no limping or sharp pain so far.
Stats for the day: 2000 meter swim, 23.8 mile bike, 3.1 mile run.
Wow, you did a tri today! I'm pretty jealous. Good news on the feet. No pain! Let's hope that continues.
Bullet, at 8:08 PM
what an awesome day of working out! and thanks for the black streak explanation, that's interesting.
Neese, at 8:14 PM
Nice little triathlon! I should plan a day like that.
Rachel, at 6:33 PM
Nice job yesterday! Way to go!
teacherwoman, at 8:45 PM
Sounds like a great day (except for that damn foot!) Hopefully it'll be back to 100% soon!
Deb, at 6:49 PM
i'm a little jealous that it looks like that where you are.
we are still building igloos up here.
keith, at 8:19 AM
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