Short Run
Went in to work early today, so when I got off it was light out and 52, so it was a good time to do another run. I ran 1 and 1/2 miles last Saturday, so I ran 2 miles today. Went to Gresham City park and did the Springwater trail from there. Rolled along at what seemed an easy relaxed pace and finished at 17:02 for an 8:31 pace. Foot hurt afterwards, but not too bad. Should be able to do 5K next and then try back to 2 times a week. Throw track back in and then up to three times a week, hopefully.
Way to make the most of your time and get that run in there! Thanks for the advice with my leg. I think I plan to take a bit of a break for a while. We'll see!
teacherwoman, at 8:53 PM
you are advancing wisely, although it does seem an 8:31 pace is not "easy"! you know your body best... and it sounds like by spring you'll be back in action!
Neese, at 5:28 AM
Nice to see those temps rising a little! Sounds like a good plan Jeff...take it slow and make it happen!
Deb, at 7:08 AM
Sounds like you're making progress! Glad to hear it. This weather has been awesome, huh? I've been so jealous of those of you out running lately. :)
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
keep it up buddy, I know it's frustrating not to be full speed. Best of luck.
Bullet, at 2:59 PM
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