VO2 Testing and 2 Runs
VO2 Testing
Tuesday a guy came out to the club I go to and performed VO2 testing on a group of us. I started out on the treadmill and warmed up at a 3 mph walk and then put on a heart rate monitor and got hooked up to the breath tester (top picture). Started running and he would slowly increase the speed until I got to my 5K pace and then he added incline all the way to 6% where I felt like I couldn't breath anymore and waved to stop. As soon as I stopped and started to catch my breath I felt like a wimp and I could have gone a lot longer. Then onto my bike on a trainer and easy spinning trying to keep an 80-90 cadence while Cecilie did the running portion (middle picture).
Springwater Run
Saturday the 3rd I worked dayshift and had some daylight afterwards, so I went to Gresham city park and ran the Springwater trail in the same direction as last week. I had done hill running on the Wednesday before (last post), so I took it easy and went nice and slow. Did 3.2 miles in 30:37 for a 9:34 pace. Afterwards while stretching, my ankle on the foot with plantar problems moved- very, very strange feeling. Have you ever had a moment in injury recovery where all of a sudden you know it's going to get better? That was the moment for me. It stills hurts sometimes, but is rapidly getting better.
Base Run
After going to work on Tuesday after VO2 testing and not having my normal hour-long spin class, I decided to run during work for my exercise hour. This week both shifts are combined, so I ran with Mike who's on days and is a 5-6 minute pace runner. He said, "you set the pace". Towards the end of the first lap around I was getting winded and looked at the Garmin and it said a 7:54 pace, tried to keep it there for as long as I could, but couldn't talk, so I slowed it down a little. We did 2 laps for 3.2 miles and a 27:03 time for an 8:27 pace. The foot hurt a little, but more of an annoyance that wouldn't go away instead of a limp causing pain.
How fun! I had V02 testing done about 4 years ago...very interesting stuff. post your results!
Deb, at 7:20 PM
Look forward to seeing your results. Not sure I could perform well with that face mask thingy on - I’m claustrophobic !
The average person has a VO2 Max of around 35 ml/kg/min.
kara, at 1:06 PM
How cool to get your VO2 tested. I'm curious about the results!
I can totally relate to your ankle moving experience. I had that with my knee a couple years ago. It was weird, but I knew it was a good thing (and it was!) Good luck with your healing!
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
That's pretty cool. Glad to hear the foot issues are progressively getting better. Looking forward to the results.
Bullet, at 2:47 PM
I need to get my testing done too. That's really cool. I wanted to see some results too! Nothing like having to work after a good bit of exercising!!
Wes, at 8:20 PM
I would love to have VO2 testing done... can't wait to read your results!
teacherwoman, at 6:30 PM
How cool! I'd love to have my VO2 max tested.
I'm glad your ankle/plantars issues are improving. I had Plantars Fasciitis about 6 months ago but it seems to have gone away. Such a relief!
Ms Eva, at 7:17 AM
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