Two runs and Three Bike Rides
First I have to apologize for not commenting on other blogs as much this week.
Saturday the 17th after our group swim of 2100 meters we decided to go outside and ride. We broke into two groups and I ended up in the "fast" group with my training partner Cecilie (C). She had run 20 miles Friday, so I was able to keep up with her the whole ride and she even let me lead sometimes. We had a group of 7 of us and the route had a lot of hills and one big one called Mt Pleasant that after last Thursday's ride (last post) was quite easy and "pleasant". It was sunny but early enough in the morning that there was fog in places and the sun-fog mix with farmland and hill vistas was really pretty- sorry no pictures. The last part of the ride went down a great 41 mph hill and then through the town of Washougal so we had to go slow then and it turned into a social pace ride back to the club. Stats: 35.2 miles at a 14.8 average.
I was going to run Sunday, but C said she runs on Monday and wouldn't mind if I joined, so I ran on Monday. We did a 5.5 mile loop that starts up the road to the track (top picture). I had gotten a heart rate monitor and this was the first run with it. We started slow and then were flying along (it seemed to me) at a 7:50 pace and I noticed my HR was over anaerobic threshold, so C said "slow it down" and we did. The last part was on a windy two lane road with no shoulder and it was raining by then, but we made it no problem in 48:09 for an 8:45 pace. Then into the pool where we did 600,500,600,500. Notice I didn't mention anything about foot pain? None!!
Wednesday I woke up super early to be there by 8:30 and do track work. I haven't run on just 1 day off in awhile, so I was planning on just going slow while C and Bridget (B) did 12 800's. I kept to the plan at first and did 2 miles on the track at a 10 minute pace and keeping the heartrate at 154 or so. Then the urge to socialize with C and B while they walked in between 800's took over. Then they would start up and I ended up running with B at a 3:58 pace while C did 3:25 or so. I thought one wouldn't hurt, then one more and I'll stop. After 3 800's C said only 3 more, so of course I had to finish the last 3. So I ended up doing 6 800's at a 4 minute each pace. That's 3 miles on top of the 2 I did by myself and it's 1.2 to get to the track and we ran moderately fast back to the club for 1.2. I did a 7.4 mile run without intending to. The girls did 8.4, 6 miles of 800's. But that's only the beginning of Wednesday!! Then to the pool and the 3 of us did 2 X 1100. The cold water of the pool worked wonders on the legs. The weather was beautiful by then, so B drove home real quick and got some of her husband's bike clothes and a helmet for me and she made us peanut butter sandwiches! Then- you guessed it- out on the bike. Coach Denise and another girl joined us for the ride. They had fresh legs though. We went pretty fast and had some hills to climb up. Did 11.5 miles with a 15.8 average because of stopping to regroup. 5 plus hours of workouts and C remarked "at the ironman we'd still have 10 hours to go". Our legs were pretty much wiped though. I just had enough time to make it to work.
Then today (Thursday) when I got to spin, B and 4 other girls were going to ride outside, so of course I joined them. After 5 miles we came to a shortcut and B asked if I was ok or turn here and end it- "I'm ok- you?" "Fine", so on we went at a relaxing social pace with only a few hills for 30.1 miles at a 15.3 average.
I had planned to join C for the last part of her long run tomorrow because I have the day off, but I think I'm going to sleep in instead.
Glad to hear about the foot! That's one thing I like about the pool. You feel so refreshed after you get out, although my entire body tends to be tired, but not sore, unlike running. After running my legs are tired and sore....
Wes, at 5:21 AM
Sounds like you've been really busy! I think a day off souns well deserved.
Rachel, at 4:15 PM
Great to hear the foot is getting better. Sleep in and enjoy it!
Deb, at 8:52 PM
30 miles - nice ride. I've never biked more than 10 miles... Need some of those padded ass shorts.
kara, at 7:19 AM
You are getting some serious exercise in - good for you! And good news that your foot isn't hurting! That's exciting - isn't it? I think your rest is much deserved. Enjoy it!
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM
I continue to be impressed with you and other bloggers (and I'll include myself in this) that make the time for running, biking, swimming etc. in addition to our fulltime jobs. It goes to show you there IS time if you allow for it.
Neese, at 6:56 AM
Wow! You've had a great week!
Bullet, at 5:05 PM
What a busy, active, week... Congrats. I'm glad to hear that your foot is getting better. Cross-training I'm sure helps.
Kara - I need padded shorts, too. I just hate the sore bumm. :)
Ms Eva, at 9:08 AM
Man I got tired just reading all the fun you had. And I didn't hear foot problems. Good for you. And get some good rest.
Papa Louie, at 11:59 AM
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