Ft. Vancouver Bike Ride
Thursday was a beautiful day out, so a group of us decided to ride outside instead of spin. We started out with 7, but after a few miles 3 turned off to do a 2 bridge loop. Myself and 3 girls went out to Ft. Vancouver which is a restored fort from the Hudson Bay Company days when the Washington side was British territory. Then up through the more modern Fort area with officer's row- a bunch of Civil war and after officer's houses. Trust me they're really pretty, unfortunately I didn't have my camera on the ride and had to go to work afterwards. I was going to drive by and take a picture of the area today after the group swim, but it was pouring down rain. Anyway, the ride was very nice and mostly flat with one steep short hill. Stats: 24.5 miles and a 15.0 average.
Today was group swim and spin. 2200 meter swim and then into the spin room where the bikes are on trainers. We do 1 and 1/4 hours at high intensity and then the last couple weeks some of stay and do the 45 minute more normal spin class afterwards for a total of 2 hours. Then down to the town of Camas to Natalia's a really nice little place that makes great blueberry pancakes and veggie omelets. It was misty and foggy this morning which is why we stayed inside. Before spin though a very pretty girl I regularly spin with said "Jeff, will you ride outside with me?" I looked outside and saw the fog and mist and saw my bike already on the trainer and said no. I still feel bad about that- I can't remember ever saying no to a pretty girl before! So of course now in the late afternoon the sun is out and it's blue sky- so I took a picture out my window (top picture).
aw, well did you at least say "maybe next time" or something other than "no" LOL. Seriously, i'm sure she understood based on the weather and you'll get another chance.
Neese, at 7:50 PM
Next time....YOU be the one to ask! ;)
Deb, at 7:31 AM
I agree with Neese! "Too nasty today for me, but how about tomorrow?" LOL. Gotta be light on your feet tri-brudda :-) I am discovering great places to ride around here, slowly but surely. I can't wait to leave the confines of my hood!!
Wes, at 9:04 AM
Jeff...wondering how you are able to get in these nice workouts during the work week but read back thru another post and saw that you work nights...makes sense now.
Sounds like Neese, Deb, & Wes got you covered re: the PGI (pretty girl invite) so no comment there! ;-)
Mike, at 12:00 AM
What? You shut her down? Now the ball's in your court. You have to ask her to ride with you sometime or she'll probably never ask again.
Happy training! :)
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
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