VBC Time Trial
Did the Vancouver Bike Club time trial tonight. Last year I did two of them around the end of August, beginning of September. Usually work nights, but we're leaving for Eastern Washington to ride the full-ironman course tomorrow really early in the morning so I took tonight off also. Anyway, my training partner (Cecilie) and I had talked about doing the time trial sometime, so since I had the night off- it was time. We originally were going to run afterwards, but coach Denise said that would be too much and we should save ourselves for the weekend, so we dropped the run and backed up to Beaches restaurant in downtown Vancouver (just off the path in the top picture). From there we road out 4 miles to the start to warm up. We got our numbers- 32 and 33 and did circles to keep warm. Then it was time to line up. Cecilie said she was going to take it easy, I said I was going to go for it. Clipped in while being held up and then the countdown. Started my watch with ten seconds to go and then I was off. It was pretty windy, but I went to the aeros and stayed at 21-23 into the wind until the first turn and the wind abated a little and 24+ plus for awhile. Didn't want to go anaerobic, so I held back just on the edge. Around another corner and more wind. Last year this part would knock me down to 17-19, this year I stayed in the aeros the whole time and stayed over 20. Then the turnaround and where was the tailwind? It didn't feel like a tailwind, but I was able to do 24-27 for a good mile and a half, maybe two. Then the home stretch going 22-24. Came across the line and stopped my watch at 25:46, so minus 10 for the start and 6 for after the finish until I could turn off the watch and I did about 25:30- 3 count them- 3 minutes faster than last year for a 23.5 average! WOW- I love my Gigi (Cervelo)! A couple minutes later Cecilie came flying to the finish in a sprint with number 34, she didn't take it easy- said she felt good, so she raced it. We did a little circle and then rode back to cars. She liked it, so I think we'll be doing this more often and adding a run to the end.
This week we did a morning group Beaches paceline ride with a group of 8 on Monday for 24.5 miles. Then Tuesday Cecilie and I and another girl rode 29 miles through beautiful country and then did a neighborhood loop run around the club for 3.5 miles and then just Cecilie and I did another smaller loop for a total of 6 miles running- my longest brick ever. Wednesday was an easy day, just 2600 meters swimming and ab class.
I leave for the training weekend tomorrow, so I won't be able to comment on anybody's blog until maybe Sunday. Finding time for anything other than work, sleep, and workouts is hard. I threw away all shame and asked the girls if they could bring me some leftovers- I got a really good stew over pasta and some fantastic spaghetti.
Also, last year I did a commercial and they're showing it again, and often it sounds like. I don't have time for TV, so I haven't seen it, but several people have said they saw me on TV- I love that. I should quit my job, go study with Neese's husband and then become a professional actor- Jeff, time to wake up.
Jeff- sounds like Gigi is treating you very well!
Have an awesome training weekend out there and be safe!
Mike, at 11:57 PM
Oh, hell yea! You are a speed demon on the Cervelo! French chicks are HAWT :-) Can't wait to get my tri bike and see how fast I can get'er up to. Got to start with the basics first though. Ya know... This is how you clip your left foot in. This is how you get it out. Try not to fall over :-)
Wes, at 5:08 AM
A training weekend?! You're a PRO! Have a great time... be safe. :)
Ms Eva, at 7:15 AM
You're always welcome here, if not for study in the least to meet JEFF! :) Have a great weekend!
Neese, at 11:56 AM
Have a good trip! Please forgive my previous comment about the name Gigi - it looks like it fit! :)
And, now we find out you're famous! :) How fun!
Anonymous, at 5:40 PM
3 minutes faster... great work!
Hope the weekend of training went well!
TriShannon, at 7:35 PM
Sounds like you've got it going on Jeff....good riding, great leftovers, Gigi & some air time! ;)
Deb, at 7:20 AM
Wow! Amazing speed! Very impressed!
Bullet, at 5:47 PM
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