PIR Bike Race Monday

Monday night, the day after doing an Olympic tri, I went and raced at PIR in the cat 5 masters novice race. My friend Frank wanted to try PIR racing and my yoga class was canceled, so I went with him. Lined up and they gave us a surprise- 7 laps instead of six. Started out ok and fell to the back of course because I couldn't stay right on the wheel in front. I saw Frank stay in the middle, but I didn't have the energy to muscle in there. Stayed with the group for 5 3/4 laps and then I sensed something was wrong, looked to the front and the group had split- shoot. I found some reserves and bolted around the splintered group and tore after the lead group and just as I caught up with the back of the group, I put my head down and tried to steady the breathing. Looked up and the guy I had grabbed a wheel on had fallen off, so I sprinted again and by then we were into the 7th lap and I was going 24-25 and slowly gaining on the lead group. Frank fell off and I zoomed past him and yelled "come on". The lead group made the turn into the s-curves and I was hit with the full force of the wind and fell to 20-22 until after the curves and then a guy came up and said "grab my wheel, we'll catch them". So I did and we did 25-26, but couldn't catch the group, so I pulled a little and then started to flag and so did he and I finished in sight of the lead group, but behind it by 100-200 yards. Frank said after I passed him he got a second wind and finished in front of the split group. Finished the 14 miles with a 23 average which seems fast for the Monday novice group, I think some of the front guys weren't novices. Frank said he had to use his elbows to be able to stay in the middle and if a gap opened he pushed in and made the other guy move- that's my problem- I race politely. Next week is the last week for PIR races, so I'll probably try again next week.
do you ever get tired? :) way to work off that tri by doing a race next day!
hey your jeep is similar to mine, cept your's is bit brighter red and a 4x4
Neese, at 7:15 PM
Wow! Sounds like fun! Congratulations on your speedy race. I've got to try that some day.
Papa Louie, at 7:08 AM
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