Shamrock Run 5K
Happy Easter! Last weekend I did the Shamrock Run in downtown Portland. The day before was a 20 mile run day, so 5 of us started out after the 2000 meter group swim. My right leg was cramping up all week, so I ended up turning off at 14 miles and taking an alternate route back to the club for 17.5 miles instead of 20.
Then Sunday morning I met my training partner Natalie and her sister who was also doing the run at the club and we drove downtown. Met up with Natalie's sister's running partner and went to find a coffee place (not hard to find in Portland). Natalie had shorts on even though it was a little chilly, but it was supposed to warm up and after coffee and back to the start line I wished I had shorts on too by then. We were in a huge group and realized that it was the 5K line-up, so we stayed there. Natalie's sister was doing the 8K which started an hour later, so she held our stuff while we ran. Someone sang and the race started. It took two minutes for Natalie and I to get to the start line and cross the mat. We started out and it was jammed, so I got in front and acted as a wedge to get Natalie out into the open so she could zoom after about a mile. I stayed with her for about half and then slowed a little up the one long hill. Then a downhill zoom back to the waterfront road and then a flat run to the finish. I crossed at 25:10 for an 8:07 pace, which considering I ran 17.5 the day before and we were in a crowd of 5000+ runners that was a very good time. Good enough for 28 out of 118 for my age group. Natalie did a 23:41 and was 16 of 583 for her age group. While her sister ran, we met up with a group of Headhunters and had chowder and stood around and talked and waved to other Headhunters doing the 8K. Sarah wore a green tutu and had flashing green lights on her breasts and a green wig while she ran the 8K- very festive. After Natalie's sister finished we headed out to find somewhere to eat and ended up at the Rock Bottom cafe which is a great beer and food place- very fun and great food. The announcer said there were 16,000 people there, Natalie heard later that it was 18,000. Very well organized and plenty of beer and chowder- excellent event.
This weekend was easy- 2100 meter swim and then a 13 mile run. Since Saturday was my birthday, Anita brought in cupcakes and a candle and her and Natalie sang happy birthday to me while we were stretching after the run. It's been years since I've had a cake on my birthday so thanks Anita!! Then later Saturday night we went to Top Shelf, a martini bar in downtown Vancouver, and I had many blueberry-lemon drop martinis with about 15-18 people from the club.
It's kind of fun running with a massive wave of runners.
[Once in awhile.}
The biggest race I've been in was 32,000
Rows and rows of Port-a-potties : )
kara, at 5:06 PM
Great race report! Awesome job.
Rachel, at 9:14 AM
Glad you enjoyed the Shamrock. I skipped it this year, but it's usually soooo crowded! I have to say, the beer/chowder after you cross the finish line just doesn't appeal to my stomach. I guess most of you runners have iron stomachs, huh? :)
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
wow! you're cranking out some seriuos distances and then throw in a 5k for some fun. Good work.
Papa Louie, at 5:45 PM
Nice job on the 5K ... especially the day after a long run! :)
teacherwoman, at 5:38 PM
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