Jack Frost Time Trial
Last Sunday I did the Jack Frost Time Trial at Vancouver Lake. This is my third year doing this event, the second time with the Headhunter's. We rode in the Headhunter's van to the lake and set up a canopy and trainers. Later a barbecue grill and portable fire place were set up to make a very comfortable base camp. Last year I signed up in cat 5 men and went after lunch and was starving on the ride. This year I signed up in 40-49 masters which goes earlier, plus this year coach Denise brought food, so it was ok. Socialized for awhile and then warmed up on a trainer and went to the start line. (top picture) They hold you up while you clip in and then let go and you're off. I started out good and just tried to keep a 22 to 23 average on the speedometer. I would look down and if it was at 21 I would speed up. I don't think it got below 20 the whole ride except at the turnaround. One K from the finish I tried to sprint but didn't have it in the legs (ran 20 miles the day before). Wasn't tired at any point like previous years where I would poop out at ten miles (it's a 12.4 mile race). This year I felt fine, just no super leg power because of the run the day before. I came in at 32:31 and came in at 45 of 59 in the 40-49 masters category, with an average of 22.9 mph for 12.4 miles. About three minutes better than last year and 185 out of 338 overall. My training partner was doing her first ride in a long time at this race (we've been spinning alot because of weather). She had only her everyday sunglasses and an old helmet, so I let her use my Rudy Projects and my helmet.
Middle picture is her styling while waiting in the start line. I wore her sunglasses while she had mine on since I was already done riding. They had a row of stones on each side which I didn't think about and after socializing for a half hour or so with strange looks every once and awhile someone finally asked me about the bling on the sunglasses and why I was wearing them. For a really good report and some fantastic pictures see Sarah's blog, she even got some great pictures of a bald eagle circling over the parking lot.
The day before, Saturday, we did a 2100 meter group swim and then instead of spinning we did a 20 mile run because Natalie and I were doing the time trial on Sunday and wouldn't be able to run then. Anyway, we took a route that I take on the bike all the time- around LaCamas Lake. Running the roads made them seem alot longer at running speed instead of bike speed. It was a beautiful day out and with 6 people running along it was a blast. Came in at 3+ hours and I felt good, didn't bonk at all like the week before doing 18 and finished strong and with the group.
A great day all around! Way to go! :D
Ms Eva, at 8:28 AM
Great job! Jack Frost--sounds kind of cold. Good race report.
Rachel, at 3:21 PM
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