Still Here
I'm still here! Haven't been blogging much obviously. Training alot and doing long runs on Sundays. Counting the Seattle half I did 13 miles four Sundays in a row. A couple of Sundays ago we only did 7 miles and last Sunday we did 8.7 and then did 4.2 miles during the Waffle run on Christmas eve which is a yearly event at the club I go to. Spinning two or three times a week and doing weights about two times a week. The best part is that they are fairly easy workouts, mostly social. That's what it's all about- the social part. My son came up from California for Christmas and we had a great visit. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Happy Holidays, Jeff!!
Wes, at 4:56 AM
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Jeff... happy new year to you too! :)
teacherwoman, at 8:23 PM
Happy New Year! I'm sure we'll all do better with our blogging once all the holidays have passed.
"See you" next year!
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
Jeff, Happy New Year!
Papa Louie, at 4:45 PM
I haven't blogged for almost 2 months either. I am back and catching up.
lizzie lee, at 9:06 AM
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