Met running partner 1 after work this afternoon at Beaches restaurant to do a run over the I-5 bridge (picture is from last year). We started on the riverfront path on the Washington side and ran over the left side of the bridge and went under the highway through a tunnel and back across the bridge on the other side. Then down the path until it ends and through a parking lot to another path that goes for several miles. We turned around when it got to Marine park and back to the cars at 7 miles at nice conversational 9:09 pace. It was a beautiful 63 degrees out when we started and blue sky. As we finished the sun was setting behind the hills of Portland with the glow of dusk on the river- very pretty. Need to start bringing my camera again. Since I had to work this weekend, of course it was perfect weather-wise. Saturday I heard they had 25 people for the group ride at the club, oh well. I rode after work by myself up and down Marine drive for 25 miles with a 21 average. It was my first solo ride since June- 58 rides in between solo rides! It also put me over 3100 miles for the year riding.

A couple of Thursdays ago I flew down to Los Angeles to visit my son and had a great time. We went to some really nice restaurants and saw lots of sights and hiked a canyon by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory compound. Then Sunday the smoke and smog lifted, so we went to Runyon Canyon state park in the Hollywood hills and ran up to the top. My son was able to stay with me for 1/2 a mile and then he had to fall back. I looked at my GPS and I was only going at an 11 or 12 pace- but it was a steep path. If I were a nice Dad I would have walked a little with him, but I was wearing my 70.3 shirt, so I kept running. Climbed to three viewpoints and did a total of 5 miles. The view was great of downtown LA and at the highest of the viewpoints you could see the valley on the other side (San Fernando?). Didn't have a camera and my son didn't bring his picture phone on the run, so no pictures of the views. The reason he picked this trail was apparent all along the trail. A whole path filled with beautiful 20 something year old girls in running shorts (80-90 degrees that day). I said hi to all the girls I could of course, about half said hi back. Also went through the LA art museum and saw one picture in the American art section that was amazing. It was called "The Baptism" by Julius Stewart and was a good 6 or 8 feet tall. I stood a few feet away from it so it filled my vision and I felt like I could walk right into it and I swear I could almost see the women in the foreground breathing- very lifelike. The picture of my son was taken on the Santa Monica pier, the fog was rolling in as we walked out there.
ah nice I'd love to go to CA sometime
Neese, at 6:38 AM
Look out for those "20 something year old girls..."
; )
kara, at 4:50 PM
Sounds like a great weekend with your son. :)
I spent 2 weeks at JPL as part of a teacher workshop several years ago. It was a great experience.
Ms Eva, at 9:42 PM
You left your son in the dust, huh? I can't believe it! I can just see the two of you trying to greet every girl who ran by. :)
Anonymous, at 5:29 PM
I hope your son was inspired to maybe one day beat pops up the hill.
Jeff, I wanted to send you the correct web address of my blog.
Papa Louie, at 12:52 PM
Cool, I am going to the Expo on Fri. Do nothing from today till the Marathon. Have some cold symptoms and I am taking a bunch of stuff to beat it, or at least keep it quiet.
The worst hill is Galer between mile 7 & 8 (half) 20&21 (marathon), but is very short, then comes Madison and Interlaken. I have done those hills for 10 & 14 miler and is ok. And with your level of training it will be a piece of cake for you.
Happy Thanksgiving.
lizzie lee, at 7:03 AM
Thanks... Eugene could be... I have family close by that I could also visit... Let's see how my plan for the first time of the year goes...
Are you taking some time off??? haven't read anything lately about your running life...
take care....
lizzie lee, at 5:34 AM
Forgot to ask. How did your half in Seattle go?
lizzie lee, at 5:35 AM
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