Wauna Viewpoint and 18 Mile Run
Saturday it was blue skies and 50's for the first time in a long time, so I went hiking. It had been a year to the weekend from my last hike so my friend Kevin and I and my dog Spencer went to Wauna Viewpoint and started out slowly. After about a mile and a few hundred feet of climbing Spenser just stopped and looked around with his sides heaving. My poor guy is 11 and 1/2- 80 years old in human years. So we turned around and went back to the car having only hiked the bottom half without the viewpoint. Stopped in Cascade Locks to get a Diet Pepsi and the girl behind the counter gave me three dog biscuits for Spenser.
Then today four of us started in the morning cold (35) for an 18 miler. I wore shorts even though it was 35 because the weather report said 50-60's later. Ran and ran with lots of hills and ran out of Gatorade at 8 miles, so had to fill up with restroom tap water at a park, guess I need more than 2 bottles on my belt. At around 12 miles we were on a road in the open and it was around 60 degrees, so I shed one of my two shirts and hid it behind an electric box and picked it up later. At around 15 miles I was done for and had to walk up a hill- did an Ironman last year and didn't walk. The others came back to get me going but I could only muster an 11 or so pace, but finished running the rest of the way and did my longest run since the Ironman in September. Next week- 20 miles!
That's great Jeff. I'm seeing the effects of aging on my Lab as well. He's worthless after a few miles of hiking. Good luck with the run.
Bullet, at 6:43 AM
Next time you go hiking, give me a holler! I always want to go, but no one else is ever game.
And nice job on the run. If I am ever able to run an 11 min pace after 15 miles, I will be tickled purple. :-) More hydration & you'll be your usual fast self next time.
Sarah K, at 1:01 PM
Aw. Your dog is so cute. I have a bunny that is about 85 in bunny years. I can't hike with him though!
Rachel, at 2:48 PM
We have had some beautiful days, huh? Good job on the LONG run!
Anonymous, at 3:52 PM
I don't have a dog... would love to but DH has veto power. He has permitted me to keep the lizard I had in my classroom and we recently got a rat - but like Rachel, neither are good hiking/running buddies. :)
Best of luck on your 20!
Ms Eva, at 10:04 AM
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