Fourth Workouts
Happy Independence Day! While my daughter cooks I thought I'd blog- not really. Last week logged 6200 meters swimming, 98.7 miles biking (first week under 100 miles since the first week of June), and 22.2 miles running. This week is taper, so a lot less. Sunday I ran 8.4 miles with Anita on a really pretty route that included the trail in the top picture. Ran it at around a 9 minute pace. Today joined four others at Home Depot in Portland and we rode up and down Marine drive to Troutdale and back for 19.9 miles at around a 20 something average. All of us had tri bikes and could go fast, pulls of 23-26 on Marine drive. Stopped for drinks at a coffee shop in Troutdale that has outside seating and a ton of bicyclists. One pretty girl was there by herself and of course I started talking to her- turns out she was from Kalamazoo Michigan- I'm from Battle Creek. I gave her my number if she needed someone to ride with. Supposed to be the other way around- I was supposed to get her number and everyone I was riding with gave me a hard time about it- they're right, but it feels so invasive to ask someone that. Must get over that, chances at my age are rare. Then after I got home decided I needed one last run before Sunday's race, so off to Glendoveer Golf course for an easy 5 mile run at around a 9:40 pace because it was in the low 90's by then.
Leave Friday for Lake Stevens Washington and the half ironman on Sunday. Pretty nervous about it- mostly the run. I've heard it's a really hilly course, but I'll give it my all and see what happens.
JEFF! You got a girls #!!! Way to go. Great run and report.
Bullet, at 6:52 AM
Sounds like a good workout! Good luck on your half ironman! Looking forward to reading your report. And, please, let us all know if the girl calls. ;)
Anonymous, at 9:29 AM
Yes, yes! We'll need all the details if she calls ;-) That's still an impressive week and some important races coming up? Very cool!!!
Wes, at 10:15 AM
Now why is everyone surprised you got a girls number?
Sanyo massage chairs
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
Go get em Jeff!!!! ;)
Given it all you've got (and making it fun!)...I'm sure you'll have a great race. Can't wait for the update!
Deb, at 8:16 PM
Your update? Has she called? Being nosy... :)
Ms Eva, at 7:09 AM
Best of luck on the half-iron. Looking forward to reading your race report. :)
Ms Eva, at 7:09 AM
I think it is hard to ask for someones number... at any age. Props to you for handing out your number!
teacherwoman, at 7:27 AM
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