Clackamas Mall Bike Ride
Had the day off and my friend Lynn called and wanted to go bike riding. So Lynn, myself, and her neighbor Adam went from her house in Gresham down the Springwater bike path to the I-205 bike path and took that to the Clackamas mall and back. Adam is nursing a torn ACL and Lynn has only ridden a couple of times this year, so this was a touring, social ride instead of training with an average of 12 MPH for the 20.4 miles. That's the slowest average since I've been keeping records, but it was a beautiful blue sky day with a temp in the mid 70's and we slowed for all the people walking and said hi. When I ride with Lynn's husband Steve, we cruise at 20 MPH or so, so this was a different kind of ride, plus when we were done, Lynn made a chicken salad for our lunch. Riding with a woman is great! I brought my camera, but left it in the car thinking I would get a group shot afterwards, but when she mentioned making food, I forgot about the camera. Then tonight- yoga class. It is starting to pay off, my back which has always hurt is limber and painfree (knock on wood).
Hey Jeff....look at you! Good ride...great company and food!? What a deal! Thanks for thinking of my neck...funniest thing. I woke up and it was perfectly fine. I was amazed since I was really in a lot of pain. Oh ya... top it off with yoga? could it get better? ;)
2 things I couldn't live without are stretching (yoga/pilates) and working my core. I feel different, centered. Nice to hear you had a fun day!
Deb, at 3:18 PM
It's good for us enjoy the time we spend with family and friends while out on a leisure ride.
Papa Louie, at 6:38 PM
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