Eugene Half Marathon and Ride Around Clark County
Did the Eugene half marathon Sunday after doing the 67 mile Ride Around Clark County ride on Saturday.
Started out with a 2100 meter group swim Saturday morning and then after a short hot-tub sit, we saddled up and started on the RACC ride from the club I go to which is on the route. Had a group of about 12 people and rode along with it mostly dry with a couple sprinkles here and there. It was raining hard when we started swimming, but it stopped for the ride. The ride goes out in the country north of Vancouver and has some hills, but is a fairly easy ride. Afterwards 6 of us decided to run an easy 2.5 mile brick run and we started out slow, but sped up by the end. Then showered, dropped the bike at home and off to Eugene. Packet pickup closed at 6, I made it by 5:30. Checked into the motel and went to find Laurelwood golf course. Got lost, but eventually found it. Really nice 9 hole course with lots of hills to hit off of and then walk down and back up. Did really good for me and found that I could hold my front knee steady and really hit it straight. Ironman training has given me more control of my body! Finished as the rain started and it was getting dark.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of heavy rain but it stopped right before it was time to go. Walked over to Hayward field for the start. Alot more people this year than when I did the full marathon last year. Started out in a crowd and went the speed of the crowd until the second mile or so and was keeping a 9 or so pace for the first 4 miles and then it opened slightly and I could move up and get a good rhythm. A little more climbing this year than last year. At mile seven I heard my name and looked over and saw Dedee who was there to cheer on a friend. Pushed myself to stay steady and then at mile 10 started to speed up. Started slowing down after about a hlaf mile, but pushed it back up and by my Garmin was around an 8 minute pace from mile 11 to the end. Came in at 1:55:52 which is 40 seconds off a pr, but I was thrilled with my time. Good enough for 59/113 for my age group and 719 out of 3077 overall. An 8:51 pace. Then I drove south of Eugene and visited three wineries which were very good. Ate lunch at a small cafe in the tiny town of Lorane Oregon- it was very good. Then back to Eugene to RiverRidge golf course and got to do the back nine without waiting for a very good bogey round which for me is great golfing.
Those last 3 miles were murder - for me anyways.
WTG on finishing strong!
kara, at 7:45 AM
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Dr.Rutledge, at 2:07 AM
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Dr.Rutledge, at 2:08 AM
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