Triple Falls Hike

Back in Febuary on President's Day I went for a short hike in the Gorge. Triple Falls is up above Horsetail Falls about 2 miles. You park at Horsetail Falls, go up the trail beside it, pass under Ponytail Falls and then up to Triple. Being February, there was ice on all the falls and parts of the trail under Ponytail had ice on it which made for tricky hiking for a short distance. This is a very popular trail even in February, there were a lot of young (20 something) hikers that day.
Numbers wise this trail at 4.4 miles round-trip and about 800 feet elevation gain is very easy, but it has a lot to offer in that you see 3 falls and a gorge (Oneida) and climb a little bit. Afterwards, went to eat in Cascade Locks and the deli I really like was closed for the holiday, so off to Stevenson Washington via the Bridge of the Gods to the Big River Grill for a really good lunch.
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